Unser Kundenservice ist heute Nachmittag leider nicht erreichbar.

Get ready to deliver the best for your customers, together with Vehikit Specialist! Get ready to deliver the best for your customers, together with Vehikit Specialist!

Do you tick one of the points below? please contact us, or let us contact you! Do you tick one of the points below? please contact us, or let us contact you!

✔Are you a cardealer?
✔Are you a fleetowner
✔Are you interested in a collaboration?

✔Are you a cardealer?
✔Are you a fleetowner
✔Are you interested in a collaboration?

Contact Accountmanager!

About vehikit

✔ One-stop-shop
✔ Personal accountmanager
✔ Yearly equipping more than 25.000 vans
✔ Direct contact with suppliers
✔ Own showroom
✔ Specialist in Van equipment

Contactformulier Vehikit Specialist
Die mit einem Stern (*) markierten Felder sind Pflichtfelder.
Datenschutz *

Wij voorzien jaarlijks zo'n 25.000 bedrijfswagens van een nieuwe inrichting!

Vehikit voorziet haar klanten van de hoogste kwaliteit bedrijfswageninrichting en uitzonderlijke klantenservice. We werken onder andere voor: